Monday 30 April 2018

New Beginning

Just a heads up that next Monday will bring you the last chapter of "The Cover Up" and then I will be taking a break from posting new updates for a while whilst I take some time out to myself, do some writing and make some more banners (Instagram-friendly ones for each fic) for when I come back so that hopefully I'll have some new material for you to read.

If you want to send anything in between now and me coming back (or even after) then please do. You can either email me, leave a message on the comment board with your email address or use the contact form and I will get back to you as soon as I can. It it's story/site related I will reply Mon-Fri.

Here is this week's update:


Starring: you & Harry Styles
Written by Rhiannon

The only way is up once you’ve hit rock bottom. For Harry, this means intense therapy sessions after his drinking spirals out of control. Could a chance meeting with a young woman in the waiting room spell a new beginning for the pair of them?


Kemi xxx

Hit Counter: 6,022

Friday 27 April 2018

#FBF Continued!

Seeing as last Friday I brought back "If It Wasn't For the Nights", I thought it was only right to bring back it's prequel.

Please let me know what you think about this little series and if you would like to see the next part that I've been working on.


Starring: you & Shane Filan
Written by Kemi

She’s got some major news to share with him but something just as equally life-changing awaits her on the other side of the door… Prequel to “If It Wasn’t For the Nights”.


Kemi xxx

Hit Counter: 5,828

Monday 23 April 2018

Do I....

... have an update for you!

This is probably the biggest part of this story and I'm so excited (and nervous) to share it with you to find out what your thoughts are.

Starring you & Mark Feehily/Westlife
Written by Kemi

Mark’s becoming increasingly withdrawn and his friends are worried about him. What exactly is he trying to hide?


How did I do?

Kemi xxx

Hit Counter: 5,710

Friday 20 April 2018

Flashback Friday

In keeping with our new Friday normal, here is...


Starring: you & Shane Filan
Written by Kemi

A once beautiful relationship ended in a problematic divorce. Will Shane ever be able to let his ex-wife move on?


Kemi xxx

P.S: Follow us here:

Monday 16 April 2018

Double the Update!

Hi all!

Today I am bringing you TWO chapters of "New Beginning".


Starring you & Harry Styles/One Direction
Written by Rhiannon

The only way is up once you’ve hit rock bottom. For Harry, this means intense therapy sessions after his drinking spirals out of control. Could a chance meeting with a young woman in the waiting room spell a new beginning for the pair of them?


Make sure you're following us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and that you're signed up to receive our updates first. If you already are please take a few seconds to retweet, like the posts etc. It helps us out a lot.



Hit Counter: 5,349

Friday 13 April 2018

Let's Take It Right Back...

... Back to December! So grab a drink, some snack and strap in because this is a long one!


Starring: you, Louis Tomlinson & Harry Styles
Chapters: 28
Written by Becca

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, a love triangle can be a very messy thing; especially when it’s between you and your friends who also happen to be best friends. How will you handle it? 


Kemi xxx

Hit Counter: 5,157

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Hi all!

Welcome back to First Light!

Apologies to those who were waiting on an update yesterday; I was out all day and by the time I got back I was both mentally and physically exhausted. With my mental health being the way that it is, on some Mondays there might not be an update due to how drained having treatment makes me so  those weeks I will aim to update on the Tuesday. Once this stretch of treatment is over then I should be able to update more consistently and give you times for when updates will go live. I just didn't realise when I changed the update schedule that it would be this hard to get an update posted each Monday.

This week's update is:


Starring you & Mark Feehily/Westlife
Written by Kemi

Mark’s becoming increasingly withdrawn and his friends are worried about him. What exactly is he trying to hide?


Once all of "The Cover Up" has been posted I will be taking a couple of weeks off from posting new updates so that I can have a break and can write some more. Both update days will then feature old/older fan fic recommendations until I come back.

As always; I'm looking for new stories and/or new authors so if you have anything to send in then please let me know and we can talk over email about what elements you want to be made interactive (if at all) etc. You don't need to know how to code or make banners; I can do all of that for you.

Thank you all for over 5k views since the relaunch. It makes me so happy to know that you keep coming back and that more and more people are becoming aware of the site even if they don't use the comment board and/or forum.



Hit Counter: 5,055

Friday 6 April 2018

Flashback Friday!

To kick off this new "flashback" era we are throwing it back to...

"Beside You!"

Starring: you & Luke/5SOS
by Kemi

A multiple ending story. You’re hanging out with Ashton, Calum and Michael who have imposed themselves in on your temporary bedroom (the living room) and just won’t leave when Luke texts you asking if you want to go for a drive. How will you respond?


Even if 5SOS aren't your fave I still recommend reading this story. It took so much time and effort to create this piece and I'm really proud of it. After writing one ending I decided that I would do TWO more so that you can pick your ending!

Let me know if you like the multiple endings or not. I recommend reading all 3 before you make a decision.
Also; do you like the option of picking your ending? 

See you on Monday for a new update!



Hit Counter: 4,789

Monday 2 April 2018

Welcome to the New Update Schedule!

I mentioned on Friday that I would be switching our usual update day from Friday to Monday starting from today and that Fridays would now be reserved for what the internet calls "Flashback Friday" where I will be posting links to older stories that you may have missed.

To kick off this new schedule I have a new story for you! This is a little one shot called "Heartbeat" and I thought it would be a nice break from reading the same two stories.

Starring: You & Any guy of your choosing
Written by: Kemi

Sometimes you just need to get in the car with your favourite person and just drive.


Please let me know what you think of this story. I really enjoyed writing it - it one of those stories that just seemed to write itself.

Check back on Friday to see what story I'll be recommending!



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