Friday 25 December 2020

Happy Holidays!

This year has been a weird one, hasn't it? I know I haven't been around much (reasons I won't/can't go into) but finally, after 5 years, I have completed... "Bells Will Be Ringing" starring you and Niall! 

I hope you enjoy it and I hope you all have as good of a festive season as you can make it. It might be tough and you might need to try extra hard to make it good time but hopefully we'll never have a repeat of this given all the medical advances being made.

If you need a chat, my Twitter & Instagram dms are always open and you can always send me a wee email. Both links and my email address are listed to the right of this post.

Happy Holidays! I'll see you next year for some new updates! Also, I promise that I'll figure out things like text size etc - I've been away for too long hahaha.

Kemi xxx


Bells Will Be Ringing - Chapter 10
Starring you and Niall

She’s a virginal student and he’s part of the world’s biggest boyband who just so happen to have been together for a good few years now. What will become of their relationship when he wants more and she’s just not quite ready?

Friday 27 November 2020

More MGG-friendly fics!

I started a new book on Wattpad with the uncoded version of the last fic in this update as apparently I'm sucker for posting on there recently. All of the uncoded versions will be over there and all coded versions will be on here. 


Starring you and Matthew Gray Gubler

1 of 3 separate Christmas scenarios with this title.


Starring you and Matthew Gray Gubler

1 of 3 drunken scenarios. 


I hope you like these little modified stories. They're a few years old, purely fictional and just for fun. 

Let me know what you think of them.


Monday 23 November 2020

New Section!

I've decided to add in a section for stories featuring you and the actor Matthew Gray Gubler and in time might add in some Spencer Reid (his character)/Criminal Minds stories too. Being a fan of his has really been inspiring me to write again and I'm loving what I've been writing so far.

To start with, I've have modified one of my old fics to include him. These will be updated here every Monday BUT if you wish to read it before anyone else (without the question prompts), I'll be posting them every Friday night at 6pm UK over on Wattpad

This is just to get me back into the groove of posting and updating again as it's been nearly a year and a half without anything new being posted on here.


(And it's not much warmer in here!)

An admission of guilt over a game of Scrabble may just spell out the end for them…


Let me know if you like these modified stories or if you came here from Wattpad. I would like to get to know more of you and to see some familiar names again.

Take care,


Saturday 31 October 2020

Happy Halloween!

I thought I would do a little flash back to 2018 with a Niall scene. If you want to read any other Halloween fics, there is a tab called "Halloween" in the middle and slightly to the right above this post in the navigation bar.


Starring you and Niall Horan
Written by Kemi

After much begging, she's reluctantly left Niall in charge of this year's Halloween costumes but has she made a big mistake? 


I hope to have more Halloween stories and new updates/stories in the New Year. Until then I shall be posting holiday throwbacks whilst I try to get ahead of the posting schedule and do some writing.

See ya soon!

Kemi xxx

Sunday 20 September 2020

Surprise Information!

It's me again. I bet you didn't think you would hear from me again so soon, eh?

Long story short - THE STORIES WORK!

I received an email yesterday from the lovely Lisa telling me that after I posted my little (lol) update post, the story links had decided to work again! Apparently all I needed to do was to log in here and it magically fixed the links. I think Blogger does that when you haven't logged in in a while just in case the pages you've linked to have been changed, hacked or even removed without your knowledge. Either way; they work!

I'm off to see if I can get into the story host site just to make sure I can still post new content.

Enjoy being able to read all of the stories! 

Kemi xxx

Thursday 17 September 2020

An Update/Personal Statement

 Hi everyone!

I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to post any sort of official message on here; I've had a lot going on this year. I didn't mean to be away for as long as I have but last year one of my email accounts was hacked and it made me so unwell with the stress and anxiety of it all that I haven't been able to open my old laptop without having a severe panic attack since. This was over a year and a half ago (round about the time of my last official post). I've now bought myself a new one which is why you're now seeing this message. Apologies if the alignment of this post is off or doesn't look right; they've since change the formatting process and this is the first time I've been able to use it.

I'm aware that there are issues with the stories. I'm hoping they're not linked to the hacking of my old email account. These should be separate issues  I am currently trying to fix/upgrade an old laptop that I should be able to use to access the site they are on as I am aware that there may be potential viruses on it (within my account, not the pages itself) and I don't want to compromise my new laptop. 

If you could email me screenshots of any issues you have with stories it would help immensely as I can't access them myself.

I appreciate those of you that have stayed and have continued to visit the site. I also appreciate the friends that I've made through this site being concerned for my mental health and well being. It's been hard but once I get the stories working again I should be over the worst of the anxiety. The worst part is not knowing what I'm going to see once I am able to log into my account on the host site.I don't know how long it will take me to fix the stories, or if I will even be able to fix them. I did try to contact another site that had similar issues twice but they have ignored me and the host site can't help me so I don't know who I can go to for help. I do have a couple of technicians within my family that I could ask but I also don't want to bother them or for it look like I'm using them as we rarely speak. I don't want my asking for help to be the root of our relationship as I'm all too well that I could then be seen as a someone who only ever needs them or help or even a burden. 
I also have some pretty big personal things going on so my being able to fix things/set a schedule has to work around them. 

I'm sorry that I didn't do an advent calendar last year; I was too unwell. Writing/updating 26 stories on top of making banners and being unwell just wasn't going to work.
I might not have anything new until next year and I don't think I'll be doing a calendar this year either. 

My main goal for this year is to get the stories working and make sure the site is as up-to-date as it can be. 
I'm hopeful that I'll have a story update/possible new story in the new year. I hope it'll be worth the wait. The last thing I want to do is disappoint you.

I promise that I'll continue to keep you updated through official posts rather than via the message board and I'll link any posts through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter too.

I think that's all for today. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and to still be invested in the site if you are a returning reader. If you're new here; welcome. I hope you'll stick around and will enjoy the stories once I fix them.

Kemi xxx